Prayers hold power. Mambo knows this. You know this. The spirits know this.
The Addimu gives you the strength of gathered prayers, offered on your behalf by Mambo herself. This is no mere trinket or empty ritual.
When you obtain the Addimu, Mambo will go directly to the spirits, invoking their aid, imploring their intervention. You will gain the attention of the lwa, the orishas, the ancestors. They will hear your needs.
If you are a true seeker, a practitioner of the arts, a devotee of the unseen, then the Addimu is your direct line to the spirit realm. It will amplify your workings and empower your requests. Mambo Fredericka will be your intercessor, your advocate, your voice in the spirit world.
The choice is yours. The power is waiting. The spirits are listening.
If we stand tall, it's because we stand on the shoulders of our ancestors.
African Proverb